Tuesday 30 December 2014

Top 10 best point keep in mind while choosing your life partner

This is not a most difficult task in the world to choose a life partner as some are having beliefs. But there is few things have to keep in mind before choosing a life partner.

Because, a person whom you are going to choose will be there for you for rest of your life. A person who will stay in your mind and heart till the last breath of your life. A person who will be a part of your happiness. A person who will be your breath.

So, there is top 10 best point, keep in your mind before choosing a life partner.

#1 Understand Her/Him
Make a friendship with her/him to know about them. Understand them first what they like, dislike. What they eat. What kind of activities they do. What they are looking in their life partner. Is everything OK in them for you? Are you a right choice for them or they for you? If this 1st point is clear then go for 2nd.

#2 Colors/Family Background doesn’t matter
There is so many people who had looked for handsome guy/beautiful girl for their life, after couple of year they been separated because both was looking for different person. Someone who could understand their feelings, who could love them honestly, who could always wanted a person like them only but few relationship were broken because of Family Background and few because of they looking more handsome guy/beautiful girl.
This is life. There are many kinds of burden have to face. So, choose a partner who can love you not because what you doing because who are you. Who can love not because of your family background or how much smarter/beautiful you are.

#3 Should be sportive
Suppose, you are having  a goal of your life to achieve and sometimes you getting hesitated or feared of failure, or needed a person who can suggest you the best, or you wanted to do something for your partner and children or any different thing is in your mind then a sportive person is needed your life. Should be sportive who can understand and be cooperative.

#4 Religion
I am not against a religion but there is many families in the world who is against it. Your family is also a big part of your life, whom you can not leave for whole life. You would always needed a parents for you. You can’t ignore. Because, family is important as much as your life’s hubby. If you are in love with different religion then must share the things with your parents. Every parents in the world wanted happiness for their children. May be they get accepted.

#5 Trust and Belief
You and your partner must be having trust and belief each other if you need a good relationship and happiness life. If this is not then don’t step you leg for next level.

#6  Time for each other
We all know there are many kinds of activities and works have to do to survive in this world, it does not mean work is more important than a partner. Spend time together with them. Keep in your mind time is for happiness not to get bored. If you needed your partner’s time then they must be having same for you.

#7 Naughty and sexy
Many people will ask why naughty and sexy, what is point in it? But think now and decide if you are roaming on road and a girl/boy is not naughty/sexy then would you like? No! If you don’t like such types of person then how you can get a married with them. So, don’t be hurry and choose a naughty/sexy partner.

#8 Like/Dislike
I am not saying what you like and dislike same look in your partner but some of your interested must be having in them because if you like a chocolates and they don’t like then your mind will get stucked between your feeling and your interest.  Some of interest makes life beautiful.

#9 Complement each other
Life is beautiful. Spend your time beautiful. Before getting a marriage must understand well about your partner. Don’t keep ego and argue in between. This makes horrible life.

#10 Not an actor, should be original
This is most important point have to remember in your mind before choosing a partner. Choose a person who is original rather than an actor. Who loves you not from originally but doing acting with you then asked to stop such things to do. 

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